Sign up for our Online Neighborhood Directory:
Trying to help our neighborhood with an easier way to keep a directory instead of the old
printed way. Many schools, churches and neighborhoods utilize this. In fact, we have set
up the nearby Woodsonia HOA with it. (check out their new website-
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.
Here is the information that you can chose to add/share:
You can chose to share data or not.
You can add phone numbers, emails, and your address.
You can add a photo.
In the notes, you can add children’s names and ages and or even pets.
To get even more use out of our new member directory, there is an app that you can
download to use. Just search for Directory Spot.
There will be no cost to our neighborhood. There is a cost for the directory eventually of
which I am hoping to cover my cost with a couple of sponsors sold for $100 a year if you
know of a business that would like to be on the sponsor page. I have added my business on
the sponsor page to see what it looks like. All information is private. We will also be able to
send our email alerts if needed in the neighborhood.
DirectorySpot is used nationwide by many schools, churches, homes associations, companies
and organizations and groups. If you know of any groups that might benefit from this, please
feel free to reach out to me.
Debbie Burdick
After signing up, I will add you to the
directory and notify you.